25 Jul 2012

Hannah's Five Year Plan

Living in the moment is something I'm not an expert at. Yes, of course I can live in the here and now, experience life as it comes and be spontaneous but I don't do that as much as I plan. I love planning. Everything. I make plans to make plans.

 I can never be fully satisfied with where I am currently in my life, I always want to be 1 year, 5 years, 10 years in the future. Sometimes it's hard for me to be patient and I wish I could skip time but then I check back into reality and think about all the things I would miss out on.

 In my weird futuristic life I've already graduated and I'm living in London in an awesome flat with some really cool friends. Possibly YouTubers because I like being surrounded by creative, intelligent, internet people. I'll be doing some really interesting work in social media or presenting a sex education show on television. Oh and then after living in London for a bit I'll get a job in New York and live in Brooklyn for a couple years. Then by 26/27 I'll move back to an as-of-yet-undecided big city in England and start planning the rest of my life.

But alas, I still have 2 years of university left. These are supposed to be the best days of my life so why do I have the mentality that I'm just sitting around waiting for my real life to begin?

Am I crazy? Do other people do this? Well, I know that my dad does. That's where I get it from.
