11 Sept 2011

Distracted by Cake

It's time to do that thing I hate. Packing.

I'm going off to university in 6 days and I have no idea what I want to take with me and what should stay at home. The boot of my parents car will probably be overflowing with all my things when we drive down and the rooms you get in halls are pretty small so where's all my stuff going to go?

Tomorrow is the infamous trip to IKEA where I'll buy all the things for my flat like pots and pans, a toaster, a cheese grater and a cake tin. How can I forget a cake tin? Oh, and a cupcake tray! I almost forgot that one. I think my new diet will just consist of cake. Actually, I want to make a banana cake now, I've just inspired myself. Brb. 

Okay so cake's in the oven now. Seriously, I will do anything to distract myself from thinking about packing let alone the actual act of packing. I hope when I'm uni I don't let cake distract me from studying. I'm actually quite nervous about that part. Because I took a gap year it has been a long time since I've had to write an essay or do any kind of academic reading. I think I've forgotten how to hold a pen or read a book.

Speaking of studying, I've bought 2 books off my reading list. They look big and scary and are sitting on my desk just starring at me... I should probably read at least the introductions before I go, right?

Packing- not done.
Reading- not done.
Shopping- nearly done.
Cake- done. 

I hope my new flatmates like cake.


6 Sept 2011

A Day in the Life of Hannah (ill edition)

So today I'm ill. I wasn't at the beginning of the day, I was actually feeling pretty fine, just sneezing a little bit here and there. Then I went to work and I got worse. So now I'm at home again.

So what do I do when I'm ill?

First thing I did was eat a piece of toast, need food in me, right? Then I did the most important thing which is get into my pyjamas, my favourite jumper and my bed socks. Then I got my laptop, got into bed and decided to write a blog about today. I've nearly used up my first tissue, I've eaten two chocolate bars and I most definitely haven't drunk enough water.

Now, I've just woken up from trying to sleep. I say trying because I was constantly kept awake by my runny nose. Oh the joys a being ill!

Oh god, it's happened, I've taken being ill as an excuse to divulge in crap T.V so now I've got 3 episodes of The X Factor to watch. The first contestant has already offended me. Some 18 year old guy called Frankie who is in it just for the ladies and not afraid to say so. He has 7 girls' names tattooed on his bum! This is just insane...

Chocolate bar #3

Okay so I wanted to eat chocolate bar #4 but I CAN'T FIND IT! Seriously, I've looked everywhere in my bed. This is really bothering me. I am 100% sure I went downstairs and got chocolate bar #3 and #4, I ate #3 and kept #4 for later. I've even counted the wrappers so I've definitely not eaten it. WHERE IS IT?!

Oh my bad. I just recounted the wrappers. I ate #4. I don't remember that... I must be really ill.

What do you guys do when you're ill?


4 Sept 2011

I can't vlog.

So I tried to make a video today... That failed. Sorry about that.

Whenever anyone says to me, "Oh, you make videos on YouTube? What kind of videos do you make?" I have no idea what to say to them. What kind of videos do I make? Vlogs? Sketches? Stories? Songs? One thing for certain though is that I feel most comfortable in front of the camera when I'm not talking so much. In fact, in my most viewed video I say one line in the whole thing. I like it when I don't speak, mess around and make a fun video. Vlogs, on the other hand, make me feel awkward and words don't come out of my mouth right.

I have so much that I want to share with you guys that I thought the best way would be to do a traditional vlog. But I just felt weird and awkward and when it came to editing I just thought "well this is definitely not going on the internet" and it is not. BUT I STILL WANT TO TELL YOU ALL THE THINGS! I may put them in a vlog soon and work out a funner way for me to talk to a camera but for now I'll just tell you here : )

Firstly, I'm moving out in about 2 weeks to go to university. I'm going to be studying history at the University of Birmingham and I can't wait! I'm so excited to be starting a new chapter in my life and I'll be making new friends, experiencing new things and learning again (I'm a bit out of practice). I got a letter the other day about choosing which modules I want to take and it had a reading list and everything so it feels like it's getting very real.

Secondly, I want to talk about charities and helping people out and stuff. My friend Jonathan is doing a skydive for the charity Mind on the 8th October. I've sponsored him £10 and we would appreciate it a lot if you just had a look at the Facebook event and considered sponsoring too. I'm pretty sure there is no minimum amount so you can sponsor however much you like and it goes towards a great charity.


Also, you may or may not have heard of Harry & Alfie on YouTube. They are Irish brothers who are musicians and are currently holding a Pledge Campaign to raise money for their new EP and 10% of everything raised will go towards The Ross Nugent Foundation. I've pledged for a Harry & Alfie canvas bag and a ticket to their pledgers only gig in London. They are really brilliant musicians and if you like their music I strongly recommend pledging for something. The campaign has less than a month left and they're at 75% of their target and they need to reach 100%.


And lastly, I was going to mention in the vlog how I have a blog but obviously there's no point in doing that here because if you're reading this then you know I have a blog.

Sorry about the no video thing but I'm not going to upload any old rubbish just so I have regular uploads. I'd rather put content out that I am proud of and I think you guys will like and find interesting.

Thanks for putting up with me.
