11 Sept 2011

Distracted by Cake

It's time to do that thing I hate. Packing.

I'm going off to university in 6 days and I have no idea what I want to take with me and what should stay at home. The boot of my parents car will probably be overflowing with all my things when we drive down and the rooms you get in halls are pretty small so where's all my stuff going to go?

Tomorrow is the infamous trip to IKEA where I'll buy all the things for my flat like pots and pans, a toaster, a cheese grater and a cake tin. How can I forget a cake tin? Oh, and a cupcake tray! I almost forgot that one. I think my new diet will just consist of cake. Actually, I want to make a banana cake now, I've just inspired myself. Brb. 

Okay so cake's in the oven now. Seriously, I will do anything to distract myself from thinking about packing let alone the actual act of packing. I hope when I'm uni I don't let cake distract me from studying. I'm actually quite nervous about that part. Because I took a gap year it has been a long time since I've had to write an essay or do any kind of academic reading. I think I've forgotten how to hold a pen or read a book.

Speaking of studying, I've bought 2 books off my reading list. They look big and scary and are sitting on my desk just starring at me... I should probably read at least the introductions before I go, right?

Packing- not done.
Reading- not done.
Shopping- nearly done.
Cake- done. 

I hope my new flatmates like cake.



  1. Ikea is my favourite shop. its too fun.
    And if your flatmates dont like cake, more for you! ;]

  2. Best wishes for your start at Uni... your flat mates will be sooo delighted by your baking, I'm sure! :-)
