29 Mar 2012

Project Perfect

My last post about body image had a really good response and so when my friend Mandy wrote a piece for her blog talking about her body likes and dislikes, I thought I'd follow on from my last post and write about my personal body image issues.

As she said in her post, I'm not fishing for compliments- this is about sharing the fact that not everyone is "perfect" and we all have body hangups which just makes us human. Every part of our bodies, whether we like them or not, are what makes us unique and gorgeous!

Here we go...

1. Post a picture of yourself
2. State three things you DISLIKE about yourself
3. State three things you LIKE about yourself

I dislike-
1. My height- I'm 5 feet small (152.4cm). It's impossible to find jeans that fit and skirts and dresses always drown me and make me look even shorter. Also, my stomach is pretty much non-existant.
2. My thighs- They're short and they're big. Shopping for jeans is a nightmare- nothing will fit over my thighs!
3. My eyebrows- They're big, messy and ugly. I even I have big gap in one of them which is a chicken pox scar and it just looks weird. I pluck and pencil them in but I guess I'll never be completely happy with them.

I like-
1. My waist- I have a tiny waist and I love it! When tops and dresses nip in at the waist and really show off my curves, it makes me feel extremely confident.
2. My eyes- I love my eyes. They're big and brown. They're so dark brown that sometimes it's impossible to find my pupils.
3. My boobs- I'm not going to go into any specifics but I have massive boobs. Although, it means there are a lot of clothes that I simply can't wear, with a good bra and the right clothes I can make my boobs look awesome!

So what are your body likes and dislikes? Write a similar post if you like and share!



  1. I like your eyebrows, they highlight your eyes. They are eye frames... Everyone needs eye frames especially if they have nice eyes.

  2. 18/f here, and wow, we are so similar. I dislike:
    1. My eyebrows as well. It's not that they are too thin or too thick, but they are DIFFERENT. And no matter how well I pluck them they will never be equal so I wear a fringe to cover them.
    2. My thighs/butt - I totally know what you mean about the nightmare of buying jeans. I hate clothes shopping because of that and pants never seem to completely cover my butt.
    3. I'm not fat or chubby but I am never satisfied, especially because of my face, which always gains weight so I have a baby face and a double chin. urgh.
    What I like about myself:
    1. I love my hair...I keep changing it and it gets stubborn sometimes but I get a lot of compliments. I love how it's thick and auburn and right now it's short and sweet.
    2. I also like my eyes...I have been told they are my nicest feature, and they are hazel/green so they can appear quite bright in summer.
    3. My waist as well...I can pull off dresses that emphasize my waist...I actually love wearing dresses but I have to limit it because I feel uncomfortable with the looks I get.
    This is me being totally honest, hope I don't sound stuck up..

    1. It doesn't sound stuck up at all! I think it's really good and healthy to like parts of your body. It shows you have a healthy state of mind and I always say- "if you've got it, flaunt it!" :P

  3. 19/m
    I would have to say my chin and waist.
    i have my moms chin and it makes me look like i have a double chin even though i really don't :/
    And i'm in really good shape except i can't seem to get rid of that little bit of fat on my stomach. I try not to let it bother me, but sometimes it just gets to me

  4. 16/f
    I dislike:
    1. The stretch marks on my back - they look like scars and I tend to get questions about them.
    2. My jawline - it tends to get a bit tubby if I eat too many unhealthy foods.
    3. My stomach - I have a curve in my back which makes my stomach stick out and if it bloats it looks even more stuck out.
    I like:
    1. My eyes - they're blue and quite big and round.
    2. My hands - I have long fingers and even though my nails aren't very nice, my hands are quite elegant.
    3. My waist - I'm quite curvy so the way my waist slopes is really in proportion to my body and I like that.
    This felt nice to point things out about my body and to embrace my flaws as well! :-)
    You're really gorgeous Hannah! ^_^

  5. No idea how to post a photo on this thing. 19/m

    1. I'm huge. Like i'm 6'2 and it looks like I was put in one of those victorian stretch torture machines :3

    2. My skin. I thought I got off lucky by not having ance but it turns out it just kicked in later which SUCKS. And it's purely a hormonal thing so there is nothing I can do to fix it.

    3. My nose & forehead. I have a big nose and a big forehead.


    1. I'm healthy, physically fit and have been complimented many times on having a great body.

    2. My jaw line. Dan compliments me all the time on my Jaw. So it has to be a good thing.

    3. My eyes. Apparently I have puppy dog eyes.

    Dislikes are way easier to talk about.

